Beetlejuice is a 1988 American comedy-fantasy film directed by Tim Burton, produced by The Geffen Film Company and distributed by Warner Bros. The plot revolves around a recently deceased young couple (Alec Baldwin and Geena Davis) who become ghosts haunting their former home, and an obnoxious, devious ghost named Betelgeuse (pronounced "Beetlejuice", portrayed by Michael Keaton) from the Netherworld who tries to scare away the new inhabitants (Catherine O'Hara, Jeffrey Jones, and Winona Ryder) permanently. HILARIOUS comedy that has gained a cult status in the horror flicks genre but it is also great for its hilarious comic action scenes performed by Michael Keaton as Beetlejuice!!
For those seeking to rise above, this Beetlejuice Edition range affords customers the opportunity to do just that. Sure to please the most avid fan and the most discerning eye, the Collector's Edition Beetlejuice presents one of the most iconic movie characters in the highest quality and detail.
Whether for that special occasion, or as a standout addition to your collection our officially licensed costumes are the closest you will get to the real deal', straight off the set. For the BEETLEJUICE connoisseur, nothing comes close to this Collector's Edition costume.
Limited quantities available.
Black and white striped polyester jacket in deluxe fabrics with decorative pocket flaps and button on front
Black and white striped pants in deluxe polyester,
white long sleeved shirt and black neck tie
Grey wig in messy style with attached bald front, hair strand made of polypropylene
Makeup kit with white cream makeup, removable with water,
1 black makeup stick and tooth wax
This is an officially licensed Beetlejuice product
Rubie's Men's Size Chart
Rubie's Men's US Size Chart
Chest Waist Inseam
Medium (Fits Jacket Size 38-40) 42" 30"-34" 33"
Large (Fits Jacket Size 42-44) 44" 34"-36" 33"
Extra Large (Fits Jacket Size 44-46) 46" 36"-40" 33"
Standard (Fits Jacket Size up to 44) 42" 30"-34" 33"
Please note courier price quoted is for within Victoria. Cost may vary to other states especially regional and WA / NT. Please email us for a quote if needed.